Clean, Firm, Low-Cost Industrial Heat

The Product

We provide innovative thermal energy storage solutions to provide clean, firm, low-cost industrial heat for manufacturers. We have 2 offerings.

  • Heat as a service for customers who want a stable price, but no Capex outlay or maintenance worry.
  • Equipment sales for customers who want full control
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Our Mission

The making of goods we rely on daily, from food, to paper, to chemicals and metals, uses lots of heat, mostly supplied by fossil fuel. However the extreme volatility of fossil fuel prices can ruin the unit economics for the manufacturers.

In addition, industrial heat uses 25% of the world’s energy, and accounts for 20% of carbon emissions.

What if manufacturers could use clean renewable energy, instead of carbon intensive fossil fuel with volatile prices?

At VerdiVis, we are bringing to market an innovative thermal energy storage technology that takes clean, intermittent energy from solar and wind and turns it into clean, firm, low-cost heat for


  • The challenge with powering 24×7 industrial heat with solar and wind is that it is intermittent. Our long duration thermal energy storage is the solution. It uses renewable electricity, when it is abundant and cheap, to heat up sand with resistive heat. The energy is stored as heat in hot sand for hours to days.
  • To discharge, the hot sand is passed through a fluid, which is used to create steam or hot air to provide cost-effective heat, continuously or on-demand, that is safe, reliable, and zero carbon.
  • Sand combines the best of both worlds for thermal energy storage. It flows like a fluid for efficient heat exchange, yet packs like a solid for effective insulation.
  • Our modular design means highly-efficient and steady heat exchange. Additionally, sand is safe, stable, and reliable. So there is no need for costly, specialized containment, even at delivered temperatures of up to 1200C.

Use Cases


We provide clean, firm, low-cost industrial heat for manufacturers, especially those requiring 100-1000 ℃ process heat, for example, chemicals, liquid fuels, ore processing, paper, and food.  Not only do manufacturers enjoy stable industrial heat prices, manufacturers mitigate business risks, such as production curtailments, regulatory fines, and missing out on RFI submissions as the world shifts towards carbon pricing by moving away from fossil fuels.

Industrial Pipes

Our Partners

Who We Are

Yung Chen
Yung Chen

Seasoned product leader in the renewable industry with decades of experience launching innovative software solutions.

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